Monday, May 5, 2008

The Farm

An oasis of peace
Encircled by concrete
The feel of Mother Earth
On our hands
Her soil under fingernails,
Worn with pride
Her bounties were many
Giving sustenance,
Freedom from fear,
A sense of community

A dream snatched
With a promise broken
Her gift sold in
Dirty back room deals
Sullied by corporate growth
Bull dozed by avarice
Smothered by indifference

copyright sherry obsheatz


paisley said...

as you know i watched the videos here yesterday,, and iam sickened... i think this poetic alternative response was beautiful,, and i only wish the folks that are being affected by this monstrously bad decision could read it...

Melissa said...

This was heartbreaking when this occurred. It really made NO sense to me. You have hit the feeling of many right on the nail.